Why Men Deserve Some Credit

Friendships gone wrong.


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Sure we get all of the credit for tanking most relationships, or not doing enough, or not being honest, etc. Basically, if there is a fault to be had, men are somehow credited for that. But rarely do men get credit for the myriad relationships we’ve lengthened, arguments we’ve averted, and lives we’ve saved. While generally, women rally around a wounded comrade and tell her how great she is and how f*cked up the man was, men will rally around their boy and tell him how f*cked up he was and generally won’t let him off the hook for being a douche.

Ladies, believe it or not, men actually hold other men accountable. That is, assuming these men are actually really friends and not just ninjas that know eachother.

Effectively, ladies, if your man has a best friend, you need to thank that best friend for keeping your man around.

Real talk.

Trust me.

I see you, women, out there shaking your head. Men are dogs. Bros before hoes. G’z up hoez down. And while all of those mottos are indeed true – we are dudes – the truth is that when you all aren’t looking, men are actually pretty decent. When our boy has a good woman, we want him to succeed in his relationship. Unless the dude is just a hater, and he eventually gets kicked out the crew. Real ninjas do real things and real men are about positivity. The only time we get negative is when we are sure that a certain woman is not the one for you, and even then, we tend to be more inquisitive of if you are sure what our boy is doing. Unless she’s evil, in which case we don’t hold back.

But how do we do what we do? Real G’z that is?


1. We don’t cosign stupidity

Women are notorious co-signers. It’s probably why so many of you all have bad credit. Shots.Fired. “I’m going to call his ex!” “Do it girl!”

Two days later.

“That was a bad idea, I shouldn’t have called his ex.” “Yeah, probably not.”

Men don’t do this. Our first instinct is to keep our boys out of jail so we rationally talk our friends out of stupid sh*t. In fact, that scene with Morris Chestnut, Taye Diggs, and Terrence Howard from The Best Man where Howard talks Mo from tossing Diggy from the building? Extreme, but pretty accurate. If that was three women, they’d all have died somehow because one of the women would have been amping the other one up then recanting as they all fell to their death.

2. We call our boys out on making stupid decisions when it comes to women

Contrary to popular belief, dudes don’t actually tell their boys to cheat often, if ever. In fact, we’ll tell our boys not to go down that road because it’s probably not worth it. We have those 80/20 conversations. We absolutely love new p*ssy, but we’ll remind our boy that new p*ssy can’t cook and is illiterate and really, at the end of the day, it just ain’t worth it. Not if our boy has a good woman. And even though women can’t tell that we know we have a good thing, we know…and our boys do too.

3. We’ll flat out tell our boys when they’re wrong and lacking the proper perspective

I know some women who do this, but it usually takes days. Guys on the other hand, we tend to nearly immediately know when our boy is on some f*ck sh*t and don’t hesitate to tell him that he’s looking at something all wrong and that maybe, just maybe, his girl might have a point. Or also that he might need to step outside of himself and look at things from her perspective. Now, how that actually plays out in our boy’s relationship…well, we can’t dictate that, but most guys will absolutely tell a dude, “You know, dumba**, it wasn’t the fact that you were looking at another woman, its the fact that you got up from the table and went to talk to her like your girl wasn’t there. Think about it, idiot. WHO DOES THAT??”

4. We don’t require our boys to air out all of their feelings unless they need to

Unlike women, guys know that guys don’t like to talk feelings, but we know when our boy is going through something. Sometimes, y’all just sit around playing video games or watching Finding Nemo, chillin’ for a few hours until dude is ready to go back home to his woman and handle his situation. Us menfolks just need some time often to blow off steam and NOT talk about whatever’s pissing us off. Sometimes, we just want to sit and say nothing. And you know who you can do that with? Your boys. You know who can’t stand silence? Women. It’s like silence f*cks with women’s natural tendency towards chaos. Silence implies peace. Women don’t do peace.

Shots. Fired.

5. We actually require both sides of the story

Every discussion with our homeboy involves this statement: Well, ni**a, what did YOU do?

Ladies, you have no idea that the best asset in your relationship is probably your man’s best friend. Unless you’re an evil b*tch, in which case, your only ally is Satan.

Oh, and none of this applies to diva dudes.

Truth? Fiction?

Any other ways that men keep the love alive? Ladies, do you buy any of this?

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