
Welcome to our virtual classroom!

This is our e-learning space for the advanced class of the Oberstufe. The course meets for five regular sessions per week. Two of these are held as double sessions and one as a single session. Your attendance in all of these sessions is mandatory. Should you be unable to attend class, please advise your instructor in advance.

Your participation in this class is expected since we all learn from each other. The more you participate, the more lively and productive our sessions will be.

Our general topic for this year, which will also appear on your report card under the subject English, is  Challenges of our time.  This general topic consists of three subtopics we'll be dealing with during the course of this year:

3.1 Human dilemmas in fiction and real life
–  extreme situations (Extremsituationen): […] der Kampf ums Überleben
–  being different (Anderssein)
–  Elizabethan England – an introduction to the Golden Age
–  drama by William Shakespeare (Drama von William Shakespeare): insbesondere Othello

3.2 Modelling the future

–  science and technology (Wissenschaft und Technik): insbesondere biotechnology, electronic media, artificial intelligence
–  possibilities and responsibilities (Chancen und Verantwortlichkeiten)
–  power and ambition (Macht und Ehrgeiz)

3.3 Gender issues
–  culture and gender – now and then (Kultur und Gender – früher und heute): […] Schönheitsideale im Wandel (Sonette von Shakespeare), Genderkonstruktionen in der Werbung

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LK E Q 3/4-En