Welcome to the online platform for our Leistungskurs in English.

In the first semester, our overarching theme is Ideals and realities, which is divided into the following sub-topics:

Q1.1 The USA--the formation of a nation *development and principles of American democracy, especially 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'; landmarks of American history, especially Civil Rights Movement, Black Lives Matter; recent political and social developments

Q1.2  Living in the American society (migration and the American Dream, especially questions of identity; values and beliefs (e.g., patriotism)

Q1.3 Manifestation of individualism (American Dream, especially conformity vs. individualism, ambitions and obstacles; visions and nightmares)

We examine values and ideals considered essential in establishing the new nation, the conflicts between those values and ideals and the social, political and economic realities at specific historical moments, and the tensions between the individual and society, especially in the context of the 'American Dream.'

The literary and non-literary texts that we will read, discuss and analyze will be supplemented by an in-depth examination of the 2008 film Gran Torino through the lens of the semester's themes.

Your participation in our lessons is required, meaning that you must come to class well-prepared. Written homework assignments may be collected and evaluated at any time. The more effort you put into doing them, the better prepared you will be both to express yourself orally and to write the exams. Homework must be submitted for my review after your absence from our lessons.

This is our e-learning space for the introductory class for the Oberstufe. The course meets for three regular sessions per week plus one extra session Methods, Skills and Competencies (Kompensationskurs). One part of your participation is the completion of course minutes (Stundenprotokoll) for each session or double session, which will be uploaded to his space so that it is accessible for all curse participants. You will take turns completing this document according to an order to be determined.

Our general topic for this year, which will also appear on your report card under the subject English, is Coming of age. There are three individual topis we'll be dealing with during the course of this year, plus possibly one novel and some short stories with various themes (love, relationships, growing up,...). The three mandatory topics are:

- Growing Up

- Making a Difference

- The Blue Planet

In addition we will be reading one novel in class and a selection of short stories. 

Class participation and attendance are mandatory. In addition, each participating student will complete the session minutes (Stundenprotokoll) in turn in alphabetical order. A class roster can be found in our virtual classroom so that you may determine whose turn it is for any given day. it is your responsibility to determine your turn and to upload your file on time. For further instructions refer to the file "READ ME Minutes" and the file "E2a_Boie310815".  

This course description will be updated as required.

Maerials for the Cambridge Proficiency exam. Intended for the LK E Q3 and Q1.

This is the online forum for the Cambridge FCE class.

This is our e-learning space for the introductory class for the Oberstufe. The course meets for three regular sessions per week plus one extra session Methods, Skills and Competencies (Kompensationskurs). One part of your participation is the completion of course minutes (Stundenprotokoll) for each session or double session, which will be uploaded to his space so that it is accessible for all curse participants. You will take turns completing this document according to an order to be determined.

Our general topic for this year, which will also appear on your report card under the subject English, is Coming of age. There are three individual topis we'll be dealing with during the course of this year, plus possibly one novel and some short stories with various themes (love, relationships, growing up,...). The three mandatory topics are:

- Growing Up

- Making a Difference

- The Blue Planet

In addition we will be reading one novel in class and a selection of short stories. 

Class participation and attendance are mandatory. In addition, each participating student will complete the session minutes (Stundenprotokoll) in turn in alphabetical order. A class roster can be found in our virtual classroom so that you may determine whose turn it is for any given day. it is your responsibility to determine your turn and to upload your file on time. For further instructions refer to the file "READ ME Minutes" and the file "E2a_Boie310815".  

This course description will be updated as required.

Welcome to our virtual classroom!

This is our e-learning space for the advanced class of the Oberstufe. The course meets for five regular sessions per week. Some of these are held as double sessions and some as single sessions. Your attendance in all of these sessions is mandatory. Should you be unable to attend class, please advise your instructor in advance.

Your participation in this class is expected, since we all learn from each other. The more you participate, the more lively and productive our sessions will be. One part of your participation is the completion of course minutes (Stundenprotokoll) for each session or double session, which will be uploaded to this space so that it is accessible for all course participants. You will take turns completing this document according to an order to be determined (I would suggest alphabetical order as the easiest to remember and adhere to).

Our general topic for the Q1, which will also appear on your report card under the subject English, is Ideals and Realities.  This general topic consists of one topic with at least two subtopics inthe course of this first half year:

- The Formation of a Nation
- Living in the American Society

We will be reading one novel in its entirety. Our two topics actually afford us the opportunity to segue very nicely from the USA to the second topic, Living in the American Society. The (mandatory) novel we will be reading is Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, which deals with racial injustice in the American Deep South in the 1930s.

As mentioned above, class participation and attendance are mandatory. Part of your responsibility will also be a class presentation on a topic to be determined with your teacher. Further information about what is expected of you in a presentation like this, as well as list of possible topics, will be provided to you as required.  

This course description will be updated as required.

Welcome to our virtual classroom!

This is our e-learning space for the advanced class of the Oberstufe. The course meets for five regular sessions per week. Some of these are held as double sessions and some as single sessions. Your attendance in all of these sessions is mandatory. Should you be unable to attend class, please advise your instructor in advance.

Your participation in this class is expected, since we all learn from each other. The more you participate, the more lively and productive our sessions will be. 

Our general topic for this year, which will also appear on your report card under the subject English, is

Q1 Ideals and realities (Ideal und Wirklichkeit)

The following will be our sub topics: 

- The USA – the formation of a nation (Die USA – die Entstehung einer Nation)
- Living in the American society (Leben in der amerikanischen Gesellschaft)


We will be reading one novel in its entirety and possibly some excerpts from a second one. The (mandatory) novel we will be reading is Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, which deals with racial injustice in the American Deep South in the 1930s.

As mentioned above, class participation and attendance are mandatory. 

This course description will be updated as required.

Welcome to our virtual classroom!

This is our e-learning space for the advanced class of the Oberstufe. The course meets for five regular sessions per week. Two of these are held as double sessions and one as a single session. Your attendance in all of these sessions is mandatory. Should you be unable to attend class, please advise your instructor in advance.

Your participation in this class is expected since we all learn from each other. The more you participate, the more lively and productive our sessions will be.

Our general topic for this year, which will also appear on your report card under the subject English, is  Challenges of our time.  This general topic consists of three subtopics we'll be dealing with during the course of this year:

3.1 Human dilemmas in fiction and real life
–  extreme situations (Extremsituationen): […] der Kampf ums Überleben
–  being different (Anderssein)
–  Elizabethan England – an introduction to the Golden Age
–  drama by William Shakespeare (Drama von William Shakespeare): insbesondere Othello

3.2 Modelling the future

–  science and technology (Wissenschaft und Technik): insbesondere biotechnology, electronic media, artificial intelligence
–  possibilities and responsibilities (Chancen und Verantwortlichkeiten)
–  power and ambition (Macht und Ehrgeiz)

3.3 Gender issues
–  culture and gender – now and then (Kultur und Gender – früher und heute): […] Schönheitsideale im Wandel (Sonette von Shakespeare), Genderkonstruktionen in der Werbung

Welcome to our virtual classroom!

This is our e-learning space for the advanced class of the Oberstufe. The course meets for five regular sessions per week.  Your attendance in all of these sessions is mandatory. Should you be unable to attend class, please advise your instructor in advance.

Your participation in this class is expected since we all learn from each other. The more you participate, the more lively and productive our sessions will be.

Our general topic for our course Q1, which will also appear on your report card under the subject English, is Ideals and Realities.  This general topic consists of three subtopics we'll be dealing with during the course of this year:

  • The USA - the formation of a nation
  • Living in American society
  • The manifestation of individualism.

Harper Lee's book "To Kill a Mockingbird" and the film by Robert Mulligan will be mandatory.

Our general topic for our course Q2 is The Encounter of Cultures.

It consists of three subtopics:

  • Great Britain - past and present: the character of a nation
  • Ethnic diversity
  • The English speaking world, including Ireland as the country of reference.

Welcome to the virtual classroom for our English Grundkurs in the Qualifikationsphase.