Enrolment options

This is our e-learning space for the introductory class for the Oberstufe. The course meets for three regular sessions per week plus one extra session Methods, Skills and Competencies (Kompensationskurs). One part of your participation is the completion of course minutes (Stundenprotokoll) for each session or double session, which will be uploaded to his space so that it is accessible for all curse participants. You will take turns completing this document according to an order to be determined.

Our general topic for this year, which will also appear on your report card under the subject English, is Coming of age. There are three individual topis we'll be dealing with during the course of this year, plus possibly one novel and some short stories with various themes (love, relationships, growing up,...). The three mandatory topics are:

- Growing Up

- Making a Difference

- The Blue Planet

In addition we will be reading one novel in class and a selection of short stories. 

Class participation and attendance are mandatory. In addition, each participating student will complete the session minutes (Stundenprotokoll) in turn in alphabetical order. A class roster can be found in our virtual classroom so that you may determine whose turn it is for any given day. it is your responsibility to determine your turn and to upload your file on time. For further instructions refer to the file "READ ME Minutes" and the file "E2a_Boie310815".  

This course description will be updated as required.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)